(Theoretical speculation fx control vistas addressed as a philosophical reference paper)....
(Official representational terminology)
18) phenomenon- 1. a fact, occurrence or circumstance observed or observable. 2. an exceptional, rare or abnormal thing or occurrence. 3. temporal or spatiotemporal circumstances of sensory experience as distinguished from a noumenon, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question.
19) spectrum- 1. any of various continua that resemble a color spectrum in consisting of an ordered arrangement by a particular characteristic (such as frequency or energy). 2. a series of radiations arranged in specific order. (see interpretation 21: specialized applications of a reflective philosophical terminology). 20) enterprise - 1. a project undertaken or to be undertaken, esp. one that is important or complex or that requires boldness or energy. 2. a plan for such a project. 3. boldness or readiness in undertaking, adventurous spirit, ingenuity. 21) affinity- 1. attractive force. 2. a likeness implying common origin. 3. natural liking or attraction to an idea. 22) vortex- any phenomenon, situation, or state of affairs that resembles a whirling in its rush, absorbing effect, irresistible force, catastrophic power and inefficiency, etc... e.g., instrument destruction (electric guitar smashing), drum kit smashing etc. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/vortex 23) zone- an area or realm having a particular characteristic, purpose, or use, subject to particular restrictions or within which certain distinctive circumstances exist (or limited to a continuing inquiry in specifics). 24) wave- a disturbance or interference that transfers energy progressively from point to point in a spacetime fx medium and that may take the form of a variation of electric intensity or potential. 25) speculation- 1. engaged in or based on conjecture rather than knowledge; theoretical rather than demonstrable. (speculate)- 1. to form a theory or conjecture without firm evidence. 2. to engage in thought or reflection. 3. to indulge in conjectural thought; to review something idly and casually and often inconclusively. 26) mystic- 1. mysterious; obscure; enigmatic. 2. (mysticism)- the belief that direct knowledge of "god" or of an ultimate reality can be attained through subjective experience (as intuition or insight) or, 3. a theory postulating the possibility of direct and intuitive acquisition of ineffable knowledge and power. |
Terminologie representatif officielle
Final Nexus Espacetemps Effets Appareils presente....
(Final Nexus Spacetime Effects Devices presents)....
L' aube d'une nouvelle civilisation:
(The dawn of a new civilization:)
La dimension-gamma-commande guitare vortex-zone
investigations du forcefield continuum
(secteurs analogiques et midi)